Frequently asked questions

Why isn't my ad up yet?

Your ad (profile) is approved before becoming visible to others. This takes up to a maximum of 24 hours but is usually no more than 2 hours. The profiles are approved by an admin team employed to look after the approvals 24x7.

I'm new to swinging, how do I get into the scene?

The best way to get into the scene is to respond to a profile or post your own. That's what this site is all about! As this question often comes from single males let me offer some direct advice to that group - try answering ads from Couples seeking males - always be polite - send full photographs, cock shots will not get you as many responses. If at first you don't succeed - try, try again. If someone says they are going to the Bermuda triangle for an extended holiday take the hint and move on.

I'll be in Town on x night. How do I get a really beautiful girl?

We cannot guarantee action to anyone - not even ourselves! You have four options here -

  • use some foresight and planning and answer some ads a few weeks before your trip to arrange a meeting
  • visit a swing club during your visit
  • put a posting on the "Meet Tonight" forum - you may get lucky

If anyone has additional ideas/options on this theme let me know.

How does one get started as an escort?

Other than reviewing the ads we have little contact with escorts. We encourage you to contact them directly. Remember these are professionals whose time and expertise are valuable and treat them accordingly.

We do not carry any ads from Escorts, Call Girls or Prostitutes. This is a swingers site.

How do I start my own adult site?

First, you will need to give up all your other hobbies and interests. Maintaining a site is a lot of work which doesn't leave much time for other things. Remember that if you create a site that people like, they will be very demanding, and keep asking for more content.

For general information, our server is a dedicated rack in the USA. We use FrontPage to create the pages, and an 20mb broadband connection to upload everything.

If you want to go ahead and build one, there are many excellent tutorials on website building available through any search engine on the web.

We will also build you websites go to for more details.

I will be in the City on x day. Please send me details of clubs/parties.

All the information we have on house parties and commercial clubs is on the site "Clubs and Parties". If you have details about clubs or parties in your area please send them to us and we will add them to the site.

Please introduce me to Jane/Sue/Lynn etc.

We do not do personal introductions. We have over 5 million members, it is impossible for us to be human matchmakers.

David/Jo, I have had no responses to my ad - or no one responds to my emails.

This site is a resource for swingers. It is not a members club with strict rules, so we have no means by which to "make" people respond to profiles or to mails sent in response to a profile.

Men please be aware - couples and ladies who advertise for men get so many responses it is impossible for them to respond to all of them - To try and understand the problem we have been talking to a few of the new advertisers. They have told us that the response rate has been in excess of 500 messages a week. This means that to read the responses alone takes a very long time. If it takes one minute to read each message, it takes more than eight hours to read 500 mails, and replying to them, even at 30 seconds a mail takes more than four hours. Messages with pictures get a better response than just words.

Don't respond to ads where you do not fit the criteria of the advertiser. You are wasting their time, your time, and clogging up your outbox with hundreds of pointless messages.

Please read the contact etiquette section for more details.

David/Jo, is my email link working?.

Yes. we cannot force people to reply, but any messages you send are in the persons inbox instantly. If they have tried to respond their message will be in one of your in-boxes inside your profile. Remember that if your profile details do not meet the criteria laid down by the recipient of your email, your message will go into their "non matches" box. Also premium members have the option to turn off replies from non premium members to keep down the number of messages.

Can you tell me where to find:

- a Turkish/Swedish/dominant escort? - No. Sorry, but this is a swingers website. We do not have any contact with escorts. We do not have time to browse the internet very often, when we do, we are not looking for escorts.

- a discreet hotel in London/Paris where I can take my girlfriend? - use a search engine and look for hotels+cityname.

My wife/husband is not keen on the idea of swinging, how can I persuade her/him?

You cannot without risking your marriage, talk about it, but don't push it. If it is not something you both want to do, don't do it - it will end in tears.

What is acceptable content?

It is easier to say what is not acceptable: this is our list, not a legal requirement

  • No Children to be involved (a person under the legal age of consent) in any sex act or picture. (If we think a person looks under age we will ask for picture id (a passport) as proof of age/identity)
  • No animals to be involved.
  • No violence - beyond mild bondage/spanking.
  • No pix of scatt.
  • No mention of Rape or sex under duress
  • Pictures of genitalia must be accompanied by a whole body or face shot.
  • We do not allow the advertising of other websites within the profile system, nor do we allow telephone numbers or email addresses

We will always reserve the right to remove any profile that we do not think fits in with the tone of the site.

What does ac/dc, bdsm, etc. mean?

Have a look at the "Swinging Terminology" page listed on the menu

What do I do at a swinging party?

Have a look at the information on the "Club and Party Etiquette" page listed on menu.