Host your own Swingers Party

We have been running swingers parties in Europe for 20 years - in excess of 500 parties, so we have learnt the hard way how to run a successful swingers party.

Choose a date for your party

Make sure that the party does not fall on a public holiday or the day before. Most people will be spending holidays with their families, so you are likely to have a reduced guest list.

A Friday or Saturday evening usually work best. Choosing an evening during the working week or on a day of worship will also reduce your guest list.

For your first few events allow a month for the details of your event to be spread around the swingers in your area.

Choose a location for your Swingers Party

In Europe and America most people prefer to attend house parties.

Some people arrange parties in Hotels, but this increases the costs of the party.

Make sure there is suitable local hotels for guests if your location is outside of a city. After a good party most guests will be very tired and in no mood to travel long distances. Make a list of local hotels and taxi companies and send them to confirmed guests so they can make arrangements before the event.

If you are using a hotel, make sure they will be allow a swingers party. You do not want them calling the police halfway through the evening.

Keep the location secret

Unless your local authorities are OK with swingers events, it is a good idea to only reveal the general area of the party and only send the exact location to confirmed guests on the day of the party.

You need to make sure that the location is not shared on social media and whatsapp groups, or you may be flooded by single men.

Make guests pay a non-refundable deposit for your party, and only send the location to these confirmed guests.

Cost the event

Unless you are very well off, you will want to re-coup the costs of running the party, but you also want to keep the price low so that you encourage lots of guests.

Work out how much you want to spend on food and drink for your guests.

Work out how much it will cost you to buy extra toilet paper, wet wipes, extra soaps and washing powders for the bed linens.

It is also a good idea to have a supply of condoms, as guests often forget to bring them.

Define the type of party

Most swingers parties are for Couples only, to ensure that there is an equal number of men and women. However there are lots of couples who enjoy playing with an extra man or woman. These are the typical type of swingers party:

  • Couples Only nights - catering for couple who want to meet couples. Single males are always barred from these events, though single ladies are usually allowed.
  • Couples and Singles Nights - A small number of single men are allowed into the club/party. Hosts have to be carefull to keep the balance right or some couples will stop attending.
  • Greedy Girl / gang bang nights - catering for the girl who likes lots of male attention. The ratio of men to women is from 3 to 1, to 10 to 1. This can sound daunting, but ladies are treated with respect, and only play with as many, or as few, of the men as they want to.
  • Bi nights - generally for couples only where both are bi-sexual.
  • Fetish nights - dressing up, whips and chains, oil and leather and lace.
  • Gay nights - usually geared towards gay men, though more clubs are starting to cater for gay females as well.

Set up Secure Communications

You don't want to give strangers your family or works phone telephone number. Buy a cheap second phone that can handle WhatsApp and Telegram messages. Only use this number for your parties.

Create a party email address. Only give potential guests this email address.

Explain the rules of your party by sending an email or message with your house rules.

Send potential guests a copy of your non disclosure document to sign and bring to the party with them.

Advertise your party

We will advertise your party on our Swingers websites in your state. We will also add it to this site under the relevant section.

You can choose which sites your ad. will appear by dropping us a line and asking which sites we have in your state.

If you are not getting enough people booking to join the party it may be better to cancel 2 days before, rather try to run an event with only one or two couples.

On the Day

Clean the house

If you want guests to come to another party in the future, it is important that the house is clean. Everyone has different ideas on how clean a place should be, but no one is going to fault you if your home is clean and sweet smelling.

Prepare The Bedrooms

Put clean sheets and pillow slips on every bed.

Put wet wipes, tissues and rubbish bins in every room so people can clean up after playing.

Make the rooms inviting, with subdued lighting, attractive, matching linens.

Prepare the bathrooms

Make sure there is plenty of toilet paper, with the spare rolls visible to your guests.

Make sure there are plenty of clean spare towels.

Prepare the reception rooms

Each party needs a "Safe" area where people can meet, talk and eat at the start of the evening and retire to away from sexual activity throughout the evening.

Make the room attractive with subdued lighting, sweet smelling candles, space to sit or stand to talk to other guests.

Put a copy of your house and party rules in a place where they can be seen.

Prepare the food

Don't prepare a big meal - People are attending the party to have sex with each other. A big meal is going to make them sleepy and sluggish.

Keep the food simple - After many trials of different menus we have found that finger food such as open sandwiches, slices of Pizzas, cocktail sausages, chicken wings and similar finger foods are best. They are light, easy to handle and quick to prepare.

Aim to finish preparing food an hour before the party, so that the cooking smells have time to clear.

Leave time for a shower

Aim to have the food ready an hour before the party so that you have time to take a shower and get dressed. You dont want to be greeting your guests in dirty clothes with your hair awry and in dirty clothes.

Final Checks

Do a final walk through to make sure everything is in order.

Sit down and have a quiet drink while you wait for your first guests.

Greet your guests

Welcome them to your home, offer them a drink and offer to show them around your home so they know where the food and drinks are, where the playrooms are and where the bathroom is.

Check that they have not brought any phones or cameras with them.

Collect their non disclosure agreement.

Make sure they understand your house and party rules.

Engage them in conversation and introduce them to any guests already in the house.

Enjoy Yourselves

As hosts, we never ask our guests to play with us. This is because people feel pressured to play with their hosts if they are asked. This is a decision you can make for yourselves.

But if a guest asks you and you like their looks accept the offer.

After the party

Leave the washing up and the laundry until tomorrow, take yourselves to bed and get some well earned sleep.